Fire Damage Insurance Claim Help

Over the years, we’ve represented hundreds of clients with home or business damage from a fire. Our team of experts work diligently for our clients and make sure they receive the full settlelment thier policy promises. In the aftermath of a fire, often property owners depend upon their insurance carriers to help them mitigate and repair fire damage to ensure that their property retains its value. Many people don’t realize you have a right to have a licensed Public Adjuster advocating for them. Without a Public Adjuster for a Fire claim, you can run into many pitfalls with your claim. There are numerous aspects to consider to ensure a proper payout- a good Public Adjuster will make sure you take all the proper steps along the way.

Here at All Claims USA Public Adjusters, we are committed to protecting the rights and interests of our clients who’ve experienced fire or any property damage. Professional licensed public adjusters are fully equipped to survey the site of the damage to ensure that you are able to implement a realistic plan for the full restoration of your property by receiving the maximum possible settlement for your insurance claim for fire damage. Call us anytime for a free consultation regarding your property damage.


There are many different types of claims that property owners may be required to navigate in order to receive their full settlement, and each requires specialized handling. Sometimes the nature of the claim is determined by the type of property. In other cases, the cause of the fire is important, or the particularly type of damage being addressed. Even the scope of the damage can influence the type of claim you should file.

Here are just a few:


When a building burns to the ground, or when water, soot, or smoke damage are so extensive that a complete rebuild is necessary, a total loss fire damage claim must be filed. When loss and damage occur, but a full rebuild is not necessary, a partial loss fire damage claim must be filed.

Even determining which of the above is necessary can be a complex process. Ash, which can be caustic and result in ongoing structural damage, can spread into walls. When water is used to mitigate the fire in the moment, it can lead to flooding and pooling under floorboards and other non-visible areas. In many cases, what may initially appear to be a partial loss situation evolves into to require a total loss fire damage claim.

Other complications involve the tendency for insurance companies to fail to prioritize partial loss claims. This can lead to months of delays and confusion, which can be extremely onerous for the property owner.


One of the most common complications associated with fire damage is the water damage that can result from firefighting efforts. In addition to the obvious structural issues that can result from water damage, there are also other associated property damage and replacement issues, which may be accidentally or deliberately overlooked or minimized by insurance carriers.

For example, carriers are typically required to restore damaged property to its previous state, which includes ensuring that replaced items are consistent in quality, color, and size, and to ensure that the repaired area has a reasonably uniform appearance. Unfortunately, insurance carriers may be more cavalier in interpreting these requirements than one might expect, or may attempt to cover restorations that are purely cosmetic in nature, rather than repairing the actual damage that has been sustained.